MacPorts on Mountain Lion - get stuck in configuring or building packages

I upgraded my Macbook Pro from Snow Leopard to Mountain Lion by a clean installation last week and installed MacPorts.  A strange thing happened when I tried to install some packages.  For example, when I tried to install gettext, the installation got stuck in the configuration stage.  However, I could go to the working directory and successfully configure gettext manually with the same configuration options.

Assume the name of the package that gets stuck in configuration is NAME.  Below are the steps that I performed as a workaround.
  1. Go to the package folder in the working directory. The full path can be obtained from port with debugging messages (-d).
    # cd ......
  2. Configure the package manually. The full configuration command can be obtained from port with debugging messages (-d).
    # ./configure ......
  3. Go to the working directory.
    # cd `port work NAME`
  4. Modify .macports.NAME.state by appending the following line.
    target: org.macports.configure
  5. Install the package via port.
    # port -d install NAME
Bison is another example. Besides configuration, it also got stuck in building. Again, I could manually build the package with the same command /usr/bin/make -j2 -w all, appended target: to .macports.bison.state, and then installed bison successfully.

詭異的 第十四屆全國資訊管理博士生暨2012兩岸三地博士生學術研討會 網頁

第十四屆全國資訊管理博士生暨2012兩岸三地博士生學術研討會 這個網頁具有英文與正體中文兩個版本,然而這兩個版本所呈現的內容天差地遠。剛好我的瀏覽器除 IE 以外都是英文的,所以看到的都是錯誤訊息。從 3/9 向網頁上所寫的主要聯絡者 反映以後一直到現在,英文網頁的內容完全沒有更正,也都沒有回信。內心不禁自問,以後還要這麼雞婆嗎。

標錯價的車麗屋?(2/25 更新車麗屋之回覆)

數天前因為行車記錄器的車充線壞了,剛好車麗屋有壽星的活動,所以去車麗屋板橋店買了一個 USB 車充:digidock CA-2412+ 。如下圖所見,標價 450 ,實際售價為 405 。

產品本身是沒問題的,可以順利讓行車記錄器啟動。但,當天晚上在車麗屋網站發現一個令人驚訝的事實,那就是同樣的商品在車麗屋線上商店只賣 299 !!!


底下是網站上的商品規格,型號一樣,輸入輸出一樣,內容物車充與快速充電 USB 接頭也都一樣。

雖然車麗屋網站的 FAQ 寫到:網路商店的價格和實體店面會有所不同。

但是那也差太多了吧! 405 / 299 = 1.354515 。去餐廳消費一次的服務費頂多也才 10% ,我這一次就多花了 35% !


2/25 更新車麗屋之回覆:

PS1:以後要跟商家的客服聯絡,可能寫在 Blog 比電子郵件還有效 XD 。(雖然電話最有效,但我討厭打電話。)

PS2:底下是幾個其他網站的 CA-2412+ 售價,其實大家的定價都一樣。
